Twine is a tool for creating works of interactive, hypertextual fiction.
There's something weird about this blog. uses Twine to replicate the appearance of an internet blog. Users click around to navigate the blog and search for new links. The story details an old man's search for his missing wife, creating a hypertextual mystery for the user to explore.
Similarly, Chat Log is meant to recreate the experience of looking through a log of someone's instant messages. The aesthetics and tone are meant to evoke the nostalgia of 2000's texting and text speak. The plot follows a tragic queer love story and brings up questions of digital identity.
Processing and P5.js are libraries for creative coding based in Java and JavaScript, respectively.
Created in Processing, this sketch analyzes the pixel colors of any source video and averages the colors in each quadrant of the video. It then creates a border around the video consisting of gradients based on the average pixel colors. The code could easily be adapted with Arduino and LEDs to create a physical display for watching videos.
Co-created with Alston McMillan.
Ode to Diptera is an interactive poem created in P5.js about the unseen roles of the smallest members of our ecosystem. It is deliberately difficult to read, requiring the reader to slowly move the mouse around in order to view the poem through a fish-eye lens. It can be viewed in full here.
Created in Processing, Fruit Fly Invasion is a silly point and click game which asks the player to embody the invasive oriental fruit fly to infect fruit trees. This project was an exercise in testing the limits of Processing to create various levels and manipulate objects and images.
Co-created with Alston McMillan.